State Aid to Public Libraries
State aid, also known as the Public Library Subsidy, is paid to public libraries that meet standards found in the Public Library Code (24 PA. C.S. Education. Chapter 93) and the Pennsylvania Code (22 PA Code § 131; § 141.)
The state aid formula (Public Library Code §9334 – 9340) has not been in use since 2003 when significant state budget cuts occurred. As a result, laws are enacted each year that detail how state aid is distributed (for example the Public School Code of 1949. Article XXIII. Funding for Public Libraries § 2318 contains distribution instructions for FY 2011-2012 or § 2323 contains distribution instructions for FY 2019-2020.)
Payment Distribution Information
During each state fiscal year (July – June):
- District Library Centers are paid in August; and
- Local libraries, library systems, and statewide library resource centers are paid in January/February.
State Aid Calendar
See below for the general timeframe in which libraries can expect to be able to enter and submit reports and data that are part of the state aid process. Specific open and due dates will be released to libraries when known.
- Public Libraries Survey (Annual Report) open – February/March
- District negotiation documents and instructions sent – February
- Public Libraries Survey (Annual Report) due – March
- District negotiation documents due – June
- District Library Center report open – July
- District Library Center report due – August
- State Aid Library Subsidy Application – Summer/Fall
- Audits are uploaded with your application
- Plan for the Use of State Aid- Summer/Fall (Follows the application)
- County Coordination Aid Plans are included in the Plan for the Use of State Aid
Report Bank Account Changes
State aid is paid annually to libraries via direct deposit. Libraries must be sure that the state has up-to-date bank account information before payments are made.
Library bank account changes and updates are made through the state's Payable Services Center.
Each year the Office of Commonwealth Libraries compiles public library statistics based on data that's submitted via the Pennsylvania Public Library Data Collection.
This information is used to determine eligibility for state aid to public libraries. In addition, this information is submitted to the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services national data collection program for public libraries.
Have a Question?
For more information or to ask a specific question, contact: